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All of the Above

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 73 - Back up.

PSN was back up when I got home, and I sneaked in a few SF4 matches. Having trouble against some veteran players, but I can take down way more challengers then when I first started online play. There has been some big progress, and I'm happy I stepped up my game before SSF4 comes out. I don't know if it was me or my cheap fight stick, but it seemed like a button input was dropped and I lost the match due to me giving up my guard and losing my ground. It's pretty frustrating when you know you have control, but it doesn't work out the way you want it. Sanwa, where are you?

How I Met Your Mother is a very funny show. Caught a few episodes at a friends today and I love the characters and the things that go on. I also think the narration and concept is interesting and unique. Neil Patrick Harris is also hilarious!

Alright, time to watch one more episode of Kimi wa Petto and head to bed. Oh I am also starting to write on the team FTN blog for my friend's CS 1.6 CEVO team. Find my posts at: http://teamftn.blogspot.com/


Song of the Day:

With Ears to See and Eyes to Hear by Sleeping with Sirens

1 comment:

  1. I have the first 4 season of HIMYM if you want to borrow them
