Pic of the Day

Pic of the Day
All of the Above

Monday, November 30, 2009

Short and Sweet

Just finished studying E&SS. Test is going to be hard tomorrow... Unwinding with some Whose Line right now. I'm going to try and learn the Wedding Dress dance choreography this week just for fun haha.

Time to snooze.


Sunday, November 29, 2009

November 29th

Today started out nice and chill. Got up at around 11:30 from a night of Youtubing. I got up, ate some food and I was off to my drums. I've been slacking so much; I should really start practicing more.

Anyways, at around 4:00, I headed out to bring some food to my Grandpa. Sat in the car for a bit playing Tetris and listening to tunes.

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After that, it was dinner time at Chako!

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That's it for today. Tomorrow is school again. Planning stuff for next weekend already, so I hope it goes through. Whose Line time now!


Songs of the day:

Over by Farewell Flight
我該用什麼的心來對你 by 黃品源

Saturday, November 28, 2009

November 28th

Today's happenings.

Got up and headed out to the mall to clean up my hair and purchase shirt/tie for my grad photo on Tuesday. I walked out of H&M with a grey shirt and a black slim tie. My hair looks exactly the same because I didn't want to cut it too short for the winter. I hope it looks okay for my grad photos.

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After that, we met up with my Grandpa and walked around Market Village. Ran some errands and finally went to dinner @ Lone Star. It was really good!

Tomorrow is a mystery. All I know is that my Dad is coming and we're going to Chako for dinner. Excited!


Levi's 510
Vans Authentic

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That's it for today. Currently watching some Japanese shows. I'm probably going to download some new music and watch some Whose Line after.


Song of the day:

Wedding Dress by Tae Yang. GOOD SONG!!!

Friday, November 27, 2009

I'm back!

It's been awhile. I've been quite lazy lately, as I've been focusing my drive on school work and studying. I had a biology test today, and I think I did alright on it. Some questions were tricky, but I hope I get those right. The next unit is Evolution, which I think will be very interesting!

Over the past week, I haven't taken much pictures. I really should take more over the weekend. Tomorrow I'm heading to the mall to get a haircut and some clothes for my grad photo on Tuesday. I kinda want to hit the St. Clair sale for Goodfoot tomorrow, but I doubt that will happen. I don't have the cash anyways...

One thing that's pissing me off to my limits is my laptop cord. 3/4s of the time when it's plugged it, it won't charge my computer. I have to fidget and move it around until it works again, and it turns off every few seconds. When I put it on my bed a certain way, it stays on, but it's way too uncomfortable to type that way! I need a new cord. These ones break too fast... or am I just too rough with them?

Let the weekend begin! No homework!!!


Songs of the WEEK:

Wedding Dress by Tae Yang
Phones by Farewell Flight
Widower by Farewell Flight
The Usual Venacular by Farewell Flight
Bleed by Meshuggah

Monday, November 23, 2009


Today was not a bad day at all. It felt gloomy as I walked out my door this morning, but as I felt the breeze, it surprised me. The seemingly glum scenery and feeling felt cool, yet refreshing. A good kick in the gut to start the day.

Earth & Space Science was dull as always. I can't wait to get rid of this upcoming unit test so we can start on the more controversial and interesting topics of Astronomy and Space.

Lunch today: General Tao

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In Biology, my teacher brought in out new class pet, a Kenyan sand boa. It was amazing to handle and was very interesting to see burrowing in it's hole inside it's small containment area. It sucks to hear that we can't keep him for long. Stupid administration wouldn't let the pet stay in the classroom. All hope of a fun, interesting environment in our classroom has been crushed. I guess the old fashioned board of administration just doesn't get it.

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After school, I headed to my friend Nick's house to finish our radio play. I think it turned out really well. I'm probably going to head there tomorrow to finish it up and get everything sorted out.
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Went home and was greeted by dinner.
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Right now, I'm currently sitting here and listening to Balance Problems. I'm very happy to hear that they are releasing a new CD soon. The tracks on the Myspace are just amazing.

Here's a link to their profile. Brack Cantrell has been a great musician since Sky Eats Airplane.


Heading to bed soon.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

What a Weekend... and Happy Birthday!

Weekend was a success. Had a great time in Maple. Took lots of pics as well, so let's get the weekend tour started!


Woke up and had some of this to eat. Way better then regular breakfast haha

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What I wore that day.
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Walked to the Vietnamese restaurant and ordered Pho and a mango milkshake.

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After that, we took the bus to Vaughan Mills and hung out there for a bit. Met up with a bunch of people and went bowling. Lots of fun, but somehow Jovon came out the victor...

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Ate Taco Bell for dinner. How elegant. No pics to show. After that, we headed over to Ali's get-together. IMO it wasn't bad at all. Pretty jokes when we got there and started thinking of things to keep everyone occupied.


Happy Birthday Dad!!

Met up with my family at Yorkdale and shopped around for a little bit. Looked around at DSLRs and Canada Goose jackets. There was one DSLR that was amazing at Sony, but a little pricey imo.

Had Thai curry and Pho for dinner. No pics.

What I wore today:

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Really tired from the weekend shenanigans. I need to get some sleep in and prepare for school tomorrow.

I think I will try to find some Momusu uploaders. Either that or watch more Whose Line. Same old stuff I watch everyday.


Friday, November 20, 2009


Today was one hell of a day. It started off really slow. I didn't get out of bed until about 12ish. I ate some leftovers and planned out my day. Decided to finally head out to Vaughan to visit my friend. I haven't been there in a really long time, and I was excited to see everyone again.

Anyways, before I left I took pics of my jeans again, this time in the sunlight for natural lighting.

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Met up with people and chilled for a bit. Hung out at Tristan's house and played some Brawl. I forgot how much I miss that game. I feel like popping it back in and getting good at it once again. Anyone who has a Gamecube controller they can let me borrow, let me know!

Anyways, I'm exhausted from the train ride here. Currently at Jovon's hanging out. I can sleep any minute now...


Song of the day:

Don't Jump the Shark Before you Save the Whale by Broadway ft. Jonny Craig

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tired... GOOD NEWS

Hey. Just came back from hockey. So tired right now, but I'm staying up for awhile because there's no school tomorrow!! Probably gonna pop in NHL 2k7 or FFX and play some blitzball soon. Good ol' PS2. Actually took some pics over the past few days.

Out with the old, in with the new.

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Pure Blue Japan
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Been playing a lot of Third Strike. Damn computer keeps shutting down on me when I play though...

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Today was a pretty dull and gray day. It was really rainy outside and that sucked. On the bright side, GCH are the DODGEBALL CHAMPS!!! Good job boys!

Deryk "I wish I was Franklin" Yim gives shoutouts to:

Stephen "The Black Kid" Johnson
Adam " " Kanhai
Josh "McLovin" Meek-Levis
Kareem "Kareem" Ansar
Josh "Ali" Ali
Mishko "Fk" Cvetkovic
Andrew " Curveball Uppercut" Tsionas

G'night! Let the weekend begin!

Song of the day:

Begin Again by Farewell Flight

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Nostalgic Television/ Video Games

Some of the most influential and memorable moments of my childhood came through television, music and other media. In bio class today, we briefly discussed how smells, sounds, sight, and taste can bring back memories and events of your past. Here are some of the things that bring me back to the past, whether it be a few months ago, or many years behind present day.

I remember back in the day when my Mom used to turn on CTV, and "Whose Line is it Anyway?" would be on. I never understood the jokes, but when I saw them go up and the crowd started cheering, I couldn't help but to chuckle a little myself. Now that I'm older and I understand what they are talking about, it's overwhelmingly funny. I'm glad I found so many episodes and clips on Youtube.

Hmm maybe I'll post something like this every few days or so. Got a lot to cover!


Songs of the day:

Shadows and City Lights by Deas Vail

Cruel by Farewell Flight

Monday, November 16, 2009

Car Shopping

Today, I went to school. Same old stuff going on there. Nothing special happening really.

After, I headed to VW, as my Mom wants to purchase a new car. They look nice!! It's a nice change from the old Jetta we have.

Anyways, I'm trying to think of what to spend my money on. Now that I have my cheque, I'm more enthusiastic about buying some new stuff. I still have to pick up a new winter jacket. A Canada Goose is probably out of the question, unless Tarran pulls a huge discount out his ass for me. Or maybe I'll just save up what I have left after Christmas and purchase a DSLR. I think I would be good with photography, and I'm really interested in learning about it.

I got nothing else to talk about today. Boring post, I know.


Songs of the day:

Through Willows and the Streams by Eye Alaska

Omen by Nobuo Uematsu for FFX Soundtrack

Single Millionaires by Brighten

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Lazy Day

Zzzzzzzzzzzz LAZY ASS DAY TODAY!!!

Didn't do smack for the whole day. It kinda felt waste, but in the end, it wasn't bad at all. I promised a good update, and I lied. Sorry.

Stayed in my bed and watched Whose Line is it Anyway. Probably the funniest show I have ever seen. As I look back, I never really understood many of the jokes that were told back then, but now that I'm older, they're just hilarious to see. Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, Drew Carey, and Wayne Brady are geniuses!

Anyways, I should be sleeping soon, but I feel the need to stay up and find some Morning Musume videos. The videos are so hard to find now. All the trusty uploaders on Youtube have been caught by the Youtube popo and have dissapeared or have gone undercover. I'm always on the lookout now...

Now that I'm at it, I'll just add my fit that I wore yesterday.

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Song of the day:

Slip and Fall by Lomaticc

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Catching up...

Been slacking with this blog. Gonna catch up and post for yesterday and today.
2 good days!!

Curry Chicken for lunch
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Wore my newcastles for the first time in a loooong time. Glad I pulled them out though!
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After school, I headed to a friends and played some ODST, SSBM, and good ol' Gaunlet.

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Schezuan for lunch
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Went to another friend's house. Being dumb.
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Played a lot of Street Fighter. Hardcore Q practice.

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Elena is a beastttt.
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Ate lasagna for dinner. Homemade = GOOD.

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That's about it for my day. I also picked up my cheque from work and got to see some of the guys there. Nice to see them all again. I'm $284 richer =D!! An Obbigood wallet is probably my next purchase after buying gifts for everyone.

Right now, hanging out and watching more Whose Line is it Anyways. Also, I'm waiting for a fit battle reply on BT... no ones active anymore lol.

I'm not really looking forward to tomorrow's work load. I got to think of a good radio play and write a lab... I'm hoping to get a good update for the blog while I'm at it.

Utaban then sleep time!!!


Thursday, November 12, 2009

November 12

Today was a pretty smooth day. I think I have made my final decision on what I'm going to do with my life. Teaching is probably the way I will go, simply because it seems like something I wouldn't mind doing for quite some time. Sure, it's going to be a rocky road getting to where I want to be, but I think it's going to be worth it in the end... Well, I hope so at least.

Everyday I think about what's going to happen in the future. Where I'm going to be? What I'm am going to do? Who I'm going to be with? It's hard to comprehend that soon, I'm (hopefully) going to be working my own job, living at my own home, doing my own things, and living my own life. I just hope I make it through happy.

Today's lunch: Toonie Thursday Jerk Chicken Special

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Photos on the way home. Sun was nice and bright today. Pics could be better...
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Songs of the day:

No Sleep by Sam Roberts
Aruarian Dance by Nujabes
悪い子みつけた。 feat. 安藤裕子 by ravex

Utaban again. Maybe even some "Whose Line is it Anyway".


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Remembrance Day + WDYWT

Today, is Remembrance Day.
Thank you, soldiers of past and present, for risking your lives and protecting ours.


Today was a normal day. Classes felt longer than usual, but I got through.

Had 2 jamaican patties and an Arizona Iced Tea for lunch.

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Walking home, I took some pics. They're too ugly to post lol. Took them fast because people were looking. I'll try to snap some tomorrow. Craving a DSLR right now... need some money.

-A Bathing Ape
-Pure Blue Japan xx-005
-Red Wing 8131

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Gonna go watch some Utaban or something and head to bed. Until next time

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Took me a few hours to redo my Of Machines drum cover. It's done now, you can find it here:


Today on spare, while I was waiting for the York University assembly, i created a face out of multiple sticky notes. I was really bored... Talked to some dudes about toy models and Pokemon lol, and I was off.

Found out I did well on my test. Got a 55/64, so that can be rounded up to about 86%. Not bad.

Anyways, here's the drawings I did on spare lol.
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Paki Edition for shits and giggles.
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A friend re-arranged it to look like Mr. T
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That's it for today. I'm probably going to treat myself to a few old episodes of Utaban and upload some nice music on my iPod. Good night.

Songs of the day:

Stop me now, I'm not Ready by Eye Alaska

Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson

Monday, November 9, 2009

Successful Day

Heading to bed now, but today was pretty successful. I got the Mikey picture from Burt (thanks for the co-operation), got rid of all my weekend assignments, and hopefully didn't fail my test.

Also, I recorded 2 songs for my Youtube channel. One is up already.


^^IMO, it's my least favourite because I didn't sync it correctly. The drumming and the song is off by a nudge or two, and it's not pleasant for me to watch. I'm probably going to redo the whole thing.

Next song is going to be another Japanese cover.

ravex - Golden Luv ft. Maki Goto

Awesome song. Awesome artists. I hope I finish the editing by tomorrow.

I'm done. Gonna watch an episode of Utaban and go to bed.

Nov. 9th.

Woke up and skipped first period to go study for earth&space... It wasnt bad, I guess. We'll just have to wait and see.

What I ate for lunch. Chicken Lo-Mein.

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Dinner last night. Beef Teriyaki.

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** I found the REAL MIKEY BLUMBERG from RECESS!!

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Sunday, November 8, 2009


Holy crap.. Forgot my Earth & Space textbook at school. Thank you Tarran for giving me the answers to the review!!

Just finished my 2 biology lab papers and now starting on my writer's craft assignment...
A lot of work to do today... Still gotta study and all that!!

Anyways, today I went to the mall and walked around. I was originally going to the Livesale, but decided it was not worth the time and money. Still gotta save for gifts and all that jazz. Checked out some DSLRs too. Amazing pictures! I need to get one sometime. I'll start saving.

Yesterday, I was reminded how much I miss the old days.

The sights. The smells. The sounds.

Songs of the day "Nostalgia Edition" -

The Silence Before the Storm by Nobuo Uematsu for FFX Soundtrack

狠不下心 by 黃品源

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Of Machines - Things Too Visible to See

Today was uneventful. Had lunch at Wendy's and hit up Walmart. Went home and played some Street Fighter 3rd Strike. Practicing Q nowadays. Kuroda is my hero.

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Songs of the Day:

Same Thing We Do Everyday, Pinky by Broadway

Besaid Island by Nobuo Uematsu for FFX Soundtrack

MY drum video is up as well hit it up and rate/comment at

or just watch it here.