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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 71 - GOLD!


I'm so happy for the Men's Canadian hockey team! Although we had a rough patch in the tournament, we managed to pick up the pieces and execute some sweet revenge. Looks like we have double hockey gold once again!

In other news, I finished Heavy Rain and watched all the endings on Youtube. It is EXTREMELY entertaining, and I can't stop talking about it. It's very sad and suspenseful, and I didn't really know what was going to happen and who the killer was. I was pleasantly surprised at how a video game delivered such a compelling and captivating storyline. The characters were very realistic and believable in every way possible. The reveal of the killer was in no means confusing or stupid, but it wasn't a blowout "WTF" moment. It was logical and left enough clues for the player or viewer to find, and I was okay with that. The endings are nothing short of amazing, and leave you chilled to the bone at how great the game was. Heck, I watched every bit of this game, and I still want to play it. That's how interesting it is... Play or watch the game unfold. You won't regret it!

Started the drama Kurosaki, but I don't know if I'm going to watch it all through. I might just leave this for later and just start up Gokusen 2, which is on my list of shows to watch. I'll make my verdict tomorrow.

That will be it for today. Still thinking about Heavy Rain...



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